I’m Krimsey—-a Louisiana born-and-raised visual artist, engineer, chef, writer, and business dabbler. Beyond my own entrepreneurial pursuits (maybe you visited my Cajun vegan restaurant in North Hollywood?), I occasionally invest in plant-based or eco-friendly startups. I am the author of a few books: Walden-ish, The Magical Story of Walden Pond, Alien Earth, and The Cajun Vegan Cookbook.
I like to roller skate, grow plants, make amateur synth music, take photos, press flowers, and play sand volleyball. I’ve been vegan since 2007 and enjoy cooking fancy things at home for my family.
If you’d like to stay in touch, subscribe to my emails! I like to share projects I’m working on + cool things others have done lately (podcasts, books, movies, art, etc.). I send them every 1-24 months.
Photo taken with a Canon EOS Rebel T3i Digital SLR Camera