The Magical Story of Walden Pond



A Tale of Thoreau's Adventures, for kids! Read with your little ones as Henry David follows his intuition into the woods, where he meets some special animals that change his outlook on life forever. Based on the true story of "Walden, of Life in the Woods" (1854), with magical creatures and philosophical insights woven throughout.

Recommended for ages 0-6 years.


About the Book

After spending several years working on Walden-ish, I was inspired to further translate Thoreau’s work into something that children could enjoy, too! Pregnant with my first child, I happily labored over this book, reading drafts to neighbor’s kids, looking forward to reading it to my own little peanut.

And maybe, just a little bit, this children’s book was also written for us adults. The kids already get it, but sometimes, we plop down with your little one(s) and connect over a shared truth—that we’re here to enjoy life together.


ABout the Illustrations

In order to accurately portray the magic that Thoreau must have experienced while living in the woods, I turned to whimsical, playful images to help tell the story. These one-of-a-kind illustrations captive children while also being interesting for adults to look at, too. Inspired by my one of my favorite forms of visual arts, collaging, I took inspiration from my flower pressing techniques to form images that appear to pop straight out of the pages. Using DALL-E and Photoshop, I was able to create intriguing, colorful visuals help to express Thoreau’s feelings and messages. To learn more about the illustration process and how it came about, click here.

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