Las Vegas, NV
I’m not much of a “typical” Vegas lover. I try to avoid the strip, and I don’t gamble or drink. I did kind of enjoy Thunder Down Under, though. Whooooooooooot!
Omega Mart. Located inside Meow Wolf’s Area 15. Don’t google it, don’t ask people about it, just go. Don’t talk to anyone in line...don’t let anyone ruin the surprise for you. It’s better this way; I promise. The less you know, the better. Just book a ticket and go. And while you’re inside Area 15, check out some of the other exhibits. But don’t miss Omega Mart. I’m kind of embarrassed to admit that I cried in there, but yeah it’s that good. I was moved.
Chikyū. Japanese vegan restaurant (Sushi bar + Izakaya) that is mostly gluten-free. Just pick anything off the menu; it’s all incredible. If you’re on a date or with a group (and you can handle spicy stuff), order the “Blazing Star.”