Natural grow out

(from a buzzcut)

I loved having a shaved head! Now, I’m not sure if I’m truly “growing it out”—I just haven’t bothered to cut it in a while. Maybe I’ll grab the clippers again soon though.

For now, here are my “grow out” progress pics! Many of them are cropped from larger images, so they’re kinda blurry. I did my best.

If you want to shave your head, but you’re worried that you’ll look dumb during the grow out phase, have faith! It can be fun. And you’ll look great, so long as you’re enjoying the process. It’s less about your actual face than your probably think—it’s all about your attitude, truly.

Fresh shaved! And with some makeup, oh la la! Sept 2021.

Oct 2021 (I bleached it a week or so before this photo was taken, and I haven’t colored it since.)

This is how I felt in Nov 2021 (probably why I can’t find any Nov photos). But this awkward phase only lasted a couple of weeks!

Jan 2022, starting to grow a rat tail.

Feb 2022

April 2022. I think I have a mullet. But it’s fun!

If you’re thinking of buzzing your hair too, YOU GOT THIS! It’s just hair. It will grow back, and it will be fun! You’ll learn so much along the way, and probably become a new, better version of yourself. Of course, I feel ugly on some days without any hair to hide behind. But I sometimes felt ugly with long hair, too. So I don’t believe it has much to do with my head hairs. It’s all inside, and those mean voices mostly leave me alone these days.

I will add more grow out pics as they come…if I don’t wind up cutting it all off again, mwuuhahahaha.

For reference, here’s what my natural hair texture looks like when it’s longer (it was kind of hard to find a pic where it wasn’t heat straightened, etc.). Basically, it’s semi-wavy and kind of frizzy.