1 Year of Supernormal Stimulus Sobriety
(Starting Today!)
I’ve experimented with all kinds of sobriety. I don’t watch pornography or use social media. For stretches of time, I have been off caffeine, sugar, flour, processed junk food, and weed (and let me tell you…weed is ABSOLUTELY addictive. But that’s a whole ‘nother topic). I rarely watch TV or movies. But I’ve never cut out all of my vices at once.
I feel that I’m wired to seek out pleasure (as most of us are). But when I spike my receptors with supernormal stimuli, I have to pay for it. My ability to experience pleasure is dulled over time. And like many, my favorite drug is “MORE.” It’s a never-ending hamster wheel situation.
I want to know what it’s like to be off of everything.
What would happen if I reset my system, and allowed my body to work how it’s supposed to, without digital stimulants, addictive drugs, and nutritionally-useless processed “foods” that make the brain respond like it just got a hit of heroin?
Would I become a human pleasure-center? Free to fully absorb all of the beauty held in a pile of dog poop, the noise of traffic, or the line at the DMV? How will I know if I don’t try?
For one year, I will:
Read books
Make art
Build stuff
Work (to meet minimalist needs)
Help others
Play music
Enjoy the outdoors
Attend performances
Play sports
During this year, I will not do/consume:
Weed and other “drugs”
Coffee & caffeine
Added sugar and artificial sweeteners (whole fruit is fine)
TV & Movies (ok in moderation)
Video Games
Flour (including GF flour)
Junky processed foods
Social media
Please wish me well! This is probably gonna be weird. I appreciate your support.
Check out this podcast: “Are We All Addicted to Dopamine?” if you’re curious to learn more about how supernormal stimuli affect our brains.